Rapport consultation publique PAFIO 2013-2018 (Version 5)
TThe public consultation on the 2013-2018 Operational Integrated Forest Management Plan (PAFIO, version 5) was held during the months of February and March, 2015.
The Operational Integrated Forest Management Plans (PAFIO) plans are prepared in order to conduct forest operations on public land in the Outaouais administrative region. These plans present the sectors where forestry operations such as harvesting, planting, pre-commercial thinning, road building or road maintenance may be carried out in the coming years. The organization responsible for the public consultations produces a report synthesizing the comments and memoirs received regarding the plan.
TThe public consultation on the 2013-2018 Operational Integrated Forest Management Plan (PAFIO, version 5) was held during the months of February and March, 2015.
TéléchargerA public consultation on the 2013-2014 Operational Integrated Forest Management Plan (PAFIO) was held from February 6 to March 2, 2013.