Rapport consultation publique PAFIO 2017-2023
The public consultation on the 2017-2023 Operational Integrated Forest Management Plan (PAFIO) was held from February 13 to March 10, 2017.
The public consultation on the 2017-2023 Operational Integrated Forest Management Plan (PAFIO) was held from February 13 to March 10, 2017.
TéléchargerThe public consultation on the 2013-2018 Operational Integrated Forest Management Plan (PAFIO, version 6) was held from February 8 to March 3, 2016.
TéléchargerTThe public consultation on the 2013-2018 Operational Integrated Forest Management Plan (PAFIO, version 5) was held during the months of February and March, 2015.
TéléchargerThe public consultation on the 2013-2018 Tactical Integrated Forest Management Plan (PAFIT) was held from January 9 to February 22, 2013.
TéléchargerA public consultation on the 2013-2014 Operational Integrated Forest Management Plan (PAFIO) was held from February 6 to March 2, 2013.