Call for nominations – Citizen

Outaouais Regional Integrated Resource Management Planning Table (TRGIRTO) is looking for someone representing its CITIZEN partner. The call for applications is made to persons residing in or holding a title deed or a resort lease in the Outaouais. To take into account the interests and concerns of public land users in the preparation of integrated forest management plans (PAFI) To…

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Call for nominations – Organizations dedicated to conservation and environmental protection

Outaouais Regional Integrated Resource Management Planning Table (TRGIRTO) is looking for partners representing the ORGANIZATIONS TO THE CONSERVATION AND THE PROTECTION OF ENVIRONMENT in the Outaouais to occupy three of the four seats in its Nature Group. To take into account the interests and concerns of public land users in the preparation of integrated forest management plans (PAFI) To ensure…

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Temporary closure of Road 28 – Replacement of a bridge

Louisiana-Pacific will replace a bridge at km 5.5 on Road 28 (Chemin du Joncas) from October 10, at 1 pm until October 13 at 5 pm. On October 10, a bypass will be proposed for vehicules heading towards Highway 117 by redirecting them towards Raod 20 (Chemin Pompone) via the Gamin Traverse to take them out to Rolland Lake. DETOUR…

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FORÊT OUVERTE – La nouvelle carte interactive des données écoforestières

Nous vous invitons à consulter Forêt ouverte, une version améliorée de la carte interactive Web des données écoforestières de la Direction des inventaires forestiers (DIF). Forêt ouverte vous permet de visualiser, d’interroger et de télécharger les données écoforestières du Québec… et bien plus! C’est une option simple et rapide pour explorer les caractéristiques d’un milieu, sans devoir recourir à…

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La contribution des citoyens à la planification forestière en forêt publique

Comment influencer l’aménagement de notre forêt? Nous avons le plaisir de vous convier à l’une des trois soirées d’informations visant à mieux comprendre le processus de planification des interventions forestières de la forêt publique en Outaouais et à connaître de quelle façon vous pouvez y apporter votre contribution. 18 février 19 h à 21 h 30 Campbell’s Bay Salle communautaire…

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Publication of the Outaouais PAFIT 2018-2023 public consultation follow-up report

The Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks (MFFP) has just published the Public Consultation Follow-up Report on the Outaouais PAFIT 2018-2023 for the Management Units 071-51, 071-52, 072- 51, 073-51, 073-52 and 074-51. This public consultation took place from November 8, 2017 to January 10, 2018. The report summarizes the concerns and comments received by subject and by type of…

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THE CALL FOR APPLICATIONS IS CLOSED The Outaouais Regional Integrated Resource and Land Management Table (TRGIRTO) is looking for an organisation DEDICATED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION AND PROTECTION to fill one of the Nature Group seats at the table. The principal roles and mandate of the TRGIRTO are: Roles To take into account the interests and concerns of public land users…

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Online release of the new version of the Forestry Operations Calendar

After a number of months of work, we are pleased to put the new version of the Forestry Operations Calendar on the website of the Outaouais Regional Integrated Resource Management Planning Table (TRGIRTO). Based on the feedback we received, major changes have been made to the calendar and we have worked to make it more user-friendly. It is now possible…

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Avis public – Consultation sur la modification du plan d’aménagement forestier intégré tactique 2013-2018 de l’unité d’aménagement 073-52

CETTE CONSULTATION PUBLIQUE EST TERMINÉE DU 28 FÉVRIER AU 14 AVRIL 2017 La gestion des forêts publiques de l’Outaouais. VOTRE OPINION COMPTE! La Loi sur l’aménagement durable du territoire forestier (L.R.Q., c. A-18.1), adoptée en mars 2010, apporte des changements importants dans les rôles et responsabilités liés à la planification forestière. Entre autres, elle accorde au Ministère des Forêt, de…

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